alternatehistorypt - um blog sobre História Alternativa, política, ficção cientifica e tudo o resto em geral :) / a blog about Alternate History, politics, science fiction and everything else generally :)
(English translation next) Olá amigos este video está bloqueado na Alemanha por isso resolvi pô-lo
aqui disponivel para todos, mas tive que o dividir em 4 partes pois
unido ultrapassava os limites permitidos / hi friends, this video is
blocked in Germany so I decided to upload it here so it is available to
everyone, but I had to divide it in 4 parts because united it was above
the allowed limits
Olá amigos, encontrei mais um canal de história alternativa, muito bom na minha opinião e que espero que gostem / hi friends, I found a new channel of alternate history, a very good one in my opinion and one I hope you like:
I am a portuguese youtuber, college graduate, writer and blogger. I am from Leça da Palmeira (Porto). I mostly use english on the web to reach a greater number of people. And most portuguese-speaking people understand english as well, anyway. I like: Alternate History, Science Fiction, reading, internet, computer games, movies, beach, swimming, Astronomy, History, Anthropology, collecting seashells, etc...