quinta-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2022

12 anos no Youtube! / 12 years on Youtube!

3 comentários:

  1. Muitos parabens Bruno, tenho orgulho em seguir o teu canal do Youtube e o teu blog desde o inicio.

    Um abraço, viva a nossa amizade e viva o teu blog

  2. Ainda bem amigo :), um grande abraço e que a nossa amizade dure para sempre!

  3. What if America has transformed into a Hippie Monarchy by the Counter Culture Movement in 1968.

    We know the Hippies and the Counter Culture Movement in America are Anti-Racist, Anti-War, Environmentalist, Feminist, LGBT, Pro-Choice, Pro-Drug and Socialists but they are not Monarchists or Royalty but what if they are Monarchists that replaced the United States of America.

    The Flags Of The Royal American Empire.



    I want this video to be made please even YouTube have messed up the comments section.
